Every time I wrote this past 9 months, I found myself acknowledging yet another looming natural tragedy (wildfires, hurricanes) or the many man-made tragedies. 

I embrace and rally behind the idea of ceremonial hurricane flag burning, which those in Florida Keys do yearly (you can find videos of it – they did it yesterday to mark the end of hurricane season, the worst on record, I believe). 

I hope to one day have a ceremonial burning of that COVID-19 red cell image we are now so numb to seeing.

We are entering into a new season and with COVID-19 infections increasing in most areas. We had some warmer months to figure out some things (e.g., accessing PPE; sorting out safety protocols; equipping vehicles for safer transport; figuring out a balance of using telehealth vs in-person visits; creating partnerships for food delivery services; getting to know long lost Aunt Charlotte to step up with more support of her nephew; finding out they really can do quite well managing their meds with less frequent med deliveries; helping them access and use new phones).

But, to quote one of my favorite series, Winter is Coming.  We will have new challenges with all the states and provinces operating in colder temps. Outdoor visits will likely be shorter or less agreeable. If we don’t get aid packages out for all, demand for limited supplies will only increase and resources more stretched.

Creativity and leadership will be paramount.  Attention to providing right-level supports for people in meaningful ways will also remain critical.

So, without further pontification and babbling, here are a list of resources to consider (all FREE).

First is a series that kicks off this week and directed at ACT Team Leaders.  This is co-led by our very own close colleague Lynette Studer, PhD, along with Mimi Choy-Brown, PhD, MSW.  “Pivotal Role of Team Leaders: What We Know.”https://mhttcnetwork.org/centers/great-lakes-mhttc/event/pivotal-role-team-leaders-what-we-know

Second, is continuation of a series led by Pat Deegan, Ph.D. – “Recovery-Oriented Practice Webinar Series.”  https://mhttcnetwork.org/centers/northwest-mhttc/event/recovery-oriented-practice-webinar-series-patricia-e-deegan-phd-0

Third, wanted to remind you of this resource:  https://smiadviser.org/
There is a Clozaril consultation clinic embedded within, and they host virtual consultations (next one tomorrow afternoon).  We have heard psychiatric care providers finding it to be very valuable.  Check out their calendar for quickest view of live events, but they also have a huge catalogue of recorded webinars, too. 

Fourth, don’t forget we had created an ACT COVID-19 Forum to be a centralized location for resource and idea sharing.  https://forum-19.freeforums.net/board/26/virtual-meet-minutes-recordings

Lastly, we continue to host National ACT Meet-Up Calls. We host a monthly meeting the first Monday of the month (next one this coming Monday) for all ACT stakeholders (primarily providers, governing authorities, funders, TA staff, researchers). You can register for the whole series here: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/5320551466410710029

We appreciate you all – as we often find ourselves saying, “this was already hard work before COVID-19… but not surprisingly, the MacGyver-like ingenuity of ACT team members is shining through in how you are addressing these new challenges.

– Lorna

photo by Holger Link